Writer Inspiration: Elizabeth Darvill

by Marie-Claude Bourque

Hi everyone,

I am very please to welcome today my good friend and steampunk partner in crime author Elizabeth Darvill who just got a great news last week! She sold two of her steampunk short stories to HQ Spice Brief. But you don’t need to wait too long to read her books.  Her first steammy steampunk short story is avalaible in ebook as of yesterday from Tease Publishing. Read the blurb below.

Why Write Romance?

Hello! I am very pleased to be here at musetracks! Today, I am going to answer the most often asked question I get. Why do you write romance and what made you start. So, the answer to this question is not nearly as profound as most, sadly. I have always written as a way to distract myself, entertain myself or just to make myself feel better. It was all terrible and only for my own person gratification, in case you were wondering. I dabbled in script writing, poetry and a few other random things. It wasn’t until my early 20’s that I actually read my first “romance” book. I was an avid reader, but had never actually delved into that genre before. I loved them so much, that I naturally decided to write one on a whim.

It turns out, that I LOVE writing romance so much! It has to have the paranormal element in it to keep me interested, and lately a lot of steampunk elements are sneaking in, but I still LOVE it! I have been writing romance for a little over two years now and I reached my dream of being published. I received my first contract with Lyrical Press in January of this year for my vampire/lycan story, “Bound by Blood.” Somewhere along the line, writing has turned from just a fun hobby to a career path. I still love it and am so happy to be making my writing a bigger and better part of my life!

So here is my little encouraging speech to you….just keep truckin! I knew nothing when I started, I didn’t have a degree in English, but I had the drive. So I kept writing and revising and submitting with abandon, probably making every amateur mistake along the way! But, I did it(although, I still don’t claim to know much) and so can you!

            Now, ~ehem~ I am going to shamelessly plug my up-coming release a fun, sexy steampunk short “Love in a Time of Steam”.(because another fun part of writing is pimping yourself around) “Love in a Time of Steam releases on July 15th from Tease Publishing. It will be a part of their steampunk anthology, “Love Like Clockwork. It will release as an e-book first and later on this year in print as part of the full anthology! It will be up for pre-sale around July 1st and you can buy it here, http://www.allromanceebooks.com/index.html

            Thank you so much for following my random ramblings! Go ahead and leave me a comment if you wish and I will pick someone at random to receive a fun little promo packet! ~Elizabeth Darvill



Love in a Time of Steam – Blurb

Ashlyn hasn’t seen Gray her former lover in five long years. Not since the day he believed her to be a traitor to the military cause they both served.

Now as the volatile nature of their planet is reaching a fevered pitch, and the war over water to run their steam-powered technology is threatening all beings, she must face him once more.

Despite her intense hatred towards Gray, Ashlyn can’t let the father of her child be murdered by General Dagnus, the leader of the opposing army. Risking her life, Ashlyn lays everything on the line to save the man that betrayed her once. As they work together to survive, will they be able to rekindle the passion they once shared?

Thank you so much for visiting Elizabeth . This sounds like a great read which reminds me I have to go over and download myself a copy. (It’s only $0.99!)

And everyone, please comment to win some promo swag. I do love Elizabeth Bite Me pens! If you writing or read romance, tell us why you chose that genre. If not, tell us why you chose the genre of what you write (or did it choose you?)


9 Responses to Writer Inspiration: Elizabeth Darvill

  1. Thanks so much for having me here Marie!


  2. When I first started writing romance, they were more like horror novels with a splash of romance. Then I started working in a maximum security prison and I realized I wanted to give the world more Happily Ever Afters instead of things that crawl in the dark. I’d seen enough real life horror to last me. 🙂 Plus, my favorite part of romance? It’s all about the chase. It’s a total rush.


  3. It’s great that you’re making a life of writing what you love. It gives me hope. My novel is just about done and ready to send out. Thanks for the inspiration!


  4. That is fantastic Joanne! My fingers and toes are crossed for you and I wish you much luck with your writing and the submission process!


  5. Saranna: I love why you write HEA! That is lovely! Thanks for stopping by!


  6. jbrayweber says:

    Thanks so much for being a guest on MuseTracks, Elizabeth.
    And major congrats on the release of LOVE IN A TIME OF STEAM.
    BTW – Love your steampunk picture. 🙂



  7. Jen: Thank you! I am so happy to be here! 🙂


  8. I started reading contemporary romance because that’s what my mother, aunt, and grandmother all read, and it’s the type of romance that I grew up with in my house. I just read my first true paranormal, though (if you don’t count urban fantasy and horror) — MC’s “Ancient Whispers”!


  9. Thanks for stopping by Andrew! 🙂


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